

Each one of our Affirmasongs is composed and constructed around one clear and powerful affirmation.
Our subconscious loves simple statements and concise messages.
We keep it simple!
Repetition is key.
That's why in each one of our affirmasongs the affirmation is repeated again and again throughout the entire track.
By listening to one affirmasong even just 3 or 4 times a day you'll replay the same affirmation to your subconscious at least 120 times!
Our affirmasongs are beautiful, moving and emotional. They are all composed and produced in such a way that you will never get tired.
You can just listen to them on and on or even sing along.
Whatever suits you best!

"What you are now choosing to believe and think and say will create the next moment and the next day and the next month and the next year."
Louise Hay

“Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.”
Wayne Dyer

“Start each day with a positive thought and a grateful heart.”
Ray T. Bennett
Affirmations are positive statements intended to provide assurance in the face of fear, doubt, stress, and worry. They are either spoken aloud or said silently, are meant to replace negative thoughts in the mind with positive ones. Affirmations are primarily a powerful tool to reprogram our minds. Without even knowing it, we start programming our beliefs system from the very first days of our existence. According to some researches, the first 7 years of our lives are extremely important as they play an essential role in determining what we will become as adults and what kind of existence we will end up creating for ourselves. It has been observed that during this first period of our life, our brain waves are tuned most of the time either on the alpha frequency (the so called 'frequency bridge' between our conscious thinking and subconscious mind) or the theta frequency (usually associated with dreaming sleep, super learning, creativity, daydreaming, and deep meditation).
Under these circumstances the brain is extremely receptive to all kind of informations which can reach quite easily the sphere of our subconscious.
The good news is that all those beliefs we have (unconsciously) decided to create and bring into our lives (for example: I will never be rich, I have a poor immune system, I will never be loved, I am not intelligent enough, etc.) can be changed anytime by reprogramming our mind. We do this by identifying the poor belief, dissolving it and replacing it with a belief that serves us in a better way (e.g. I attract money, I have a perfect health, everybody loves me, I am very smart, etc..). The term to describe this process is called neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is the faculty of our brain to engage in synaptic pruning, deleting the neural connections that are no longer necessary or useful, and strengthening the necessary ones. Affirmations are a wonderful and effective way to promote neuroplasticity. In other words, to promote POSITIVE CHANGE.
But which affirmations should we choose? How often should we repeat them? When and how? These are only few of the common questions people ask when they start out with affirmations.
Some people find that affirmations can be boring after a while or that they can't find the time to do them. Other people are concerned about the validity and precision of their affirmations.
We wanted to create a new tool that would actually make everything easy, fun and, of course, highly effective!
It is worth mentioning that a very important aspect when doing affirmations is the emotional meaning we attach to them. Affirmations and emotions are strictly related. The subconscious loves emotions. This is basically how it learns. So, how to trigger easily and rapidly an emotional state that helps our affirmations reach efficiently the subconscious?
There are probably many ways to do this, but our favourite is definitely MUSIC! The therapeutic properties of music are well known already and have been widely explored over the last few decades. It has been proven by means of ECGs that the tones used in a particular music piece stimulate the brain to enter a particular wave frequency.
The concept behind AFFIRMASONGS is therefore pretty simple but very fascinating. We wanted to create a tool that help people to successfully persevere in their path of personal growth. We wanted to help them find a new way to facilitate tangible and positive changes in their lives.
A way that is possibly: EASY, FUN, SAFE AND POWERFUL.
Our AFFIRMASONGS are EASY, because all you have to do is listen to them, and why not, even SING ALONG. As many times as you want, whenever you want, wherever you want. Without ever getting bored!
Our AFFIRMASONGS are FUN, because music is fun of course! We have in our team incredible talented musicians and composers who create original SONGS that are moving and motivating. The only difference between an AFFIRMASONG and a normal SONG are the lyrics. In the AFFIRMASONGS the lyrics are one - simple but powerful - affirmation that repeats on and on throughout the song. Remember, repetition is key when doing affirmations, which sometimes can get boring. Well... not anymore!
Our AFFIRMASONGS are SAFE, because in order to work, an affirmation has to follow few important rules. They have to be in the present tense, must be formulated in the positive, have an emotional attachment, have to be short and concise, have to be repeated. Find out more about the 5 GOLDEN RULES OF AFFIRMATIONS.
Our AFFIRMASONGS are POWERFUL, because for each one of them we have selected iconic and proven affirmations (like the very iconic I APPROVE OF MYSELF taught us by Louise Hay (LISTEN TO THE AFFIRMASONG) which are combined and woven in beautiful and healing songs. Each AFFIRMASONG has been composed and interpreted around one single and powerful affirmation with the only intent of serving it in the most compelling, honest and transformative way.
Saying “I will …” or “I am going to …” is putting your desire somewhere out there, beyond reach. But the future doesn’t exist yet right? The change can only happen in the present. Remember, always affirm in the present.
Rule 1: keep it in the present tense

Rule 2: keep it positive
Doing affirmations means communicating with the SUBCONSCIOUS. The thing is that the subconscious doesn’t understand words like ‘no’, ‘don’t’, ‘can’t’ etcetera. So when you affirm “I don’t want to be alone”, all the subconscious hears is ‘be alone’… One positive way to affirm (correctly) the same thing could be for example “I am surrounded by loving people”. Got it?
Rule 3: keep it emotional
Rule 4: keep it short

Our subconscious loves emotions. The more passion and intention you give your affirmations, the better and faster you'll see the results. Positive emotions bring positive outcomes.
Our subconscious loves and absorbs clear statements, precise concepts, simple and direct messages. Remember that the shorter and simpler, the better. As simple as that!

Rule 5: keep it repeated

Repetition is key for the success of any affirmation. The specific affirmation assigned to an affirmasong is repeated at least 40 times.
Louise Hay used to compare an affirmation to a seed we plant in our mind. Every seed, to grow and become a luxuriant plant, needs to be watered regularly. That's why repeating an affirmation is key to get results.